Local Authorities and Youth Offending Services

Working with young people in Telford

Alix has been working with young people who sexually abuse and young victims of abuse since 1987. She set up and ran the first co-ordinated county programme to assess and intervene with these young people in Shropshire: a programme which was commended in the NCH 1992 Report of the Committee of Enquiry into Children and Young People who Sexually Abuse Other Children”. This programme was later taken over by the NSPCC but, sadly, the NSPCC closed the project in 2011.

In 1994, she joined the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, a charity dealing specifically with all aspects of sexual abuse. She was Principal Therapist / Project Manager for all the work with adolescents. Much of this work was focused on young people who had been abused and who showed sexually abusive behaviours and the remainder on young people who were victims of abuse. She has also worked with adult survivors of severe abuse. She became an independent consultant, psychotherapist and trainer in January 2000 and obtained her BACP and UKRC Registration in 2002 becoming a Senior Accredited BACP Member in 2011.

Training courses run all over the UK

Alix has extensive experience in both assessment and intervention and was also instrumental in devising a short-term focused group programme for young people

Alix has run training courses all over the United Kingdom for residential workers, social workers, probation officers, managers and those involved in deciding policy. These courses include very practical ones on the specific work required with young people with inappropriate or problematic sexualised behaviour as well as courses for foster-carers, residential workers and teachers.

Alix can provide assessments of young people who have abused for Court and also intervention programmes. She can also be commissioned to supervise workers and to provide training programmes.
Please contact her for more information.

Attachment-based work with younger children

Polly provides attachment-based therapy (including Theraplay®) and works with children and families who have experienced trauma. She provides training, consultation and supervision for local authority staff. Her speciality is in helping foster-carers and social workers understand the internal world of the child and how this affects their relationships, thus increasing placement stability.
Please contact her for further information.

For youth offending services and information, call us today

07710 978 743 and 07919 260 066

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